Molly Limpet's provides stunning costume hire options for youth productions of Disney's Beauty and the Beast. The costumes shown here are suitable for both Beauty and the Beast Jr, and for the full licensed version, but performed by juniors (ages 11 to 18).
This unique production is both the most enquired-for, and most-booked musical theatre production for Molly Limpet's. We continue to add to the Beauty wardrobe to cater to demand from schools and youth groups across the UK. Some companies have even hired on more than one occasion, such was the success of our uniquely designed costumes to enchance their production.
Images shown here are provided with very kind permission of Phoenix Youth Productions, in their July 2024 production of this fantastic musical.
If you are staging this musical, please contact us with all key info (company name, performance dates, approx cast size, cast age range) and we will supply further details. You can email us at enquiries@mollylimpets.com, or use our enquiry form here.